The Money Fingerprint assessment helps you identify your patterns and thoughts surrounding money. This is helpful to understand yourself, your spouse, and those around you. Don't worry, it's pretty quick, and isn't as hard as calculus (in fact, it's pretty easy)!
Once you take it, we'll talk about the results below (resist the urge to peek at the results, and take the assessment first!).
Finished with the assessment? Good! (Unless you ignored me and came without taking it...If so go back!)
Here's what your result page looks like:
1: Shows a scale indicating which tendency you have
2: The result pair
3: Title of one of the result pairs
4: The score you got for that result
In order to understand the results better, we have to know what each category means. Although motivations and reasons (attitudes/beliefs) for each category may vary (status seeking, stress reliever, etc), there tend to be certain patterns with behaviors. Below is a brief breakdown of each pair.
Every result comes in pairs. Each pair represents a different way you (or your brain) deal with money. Each pairing has a different aspect of processing and thinking. For Avoidant/Obsessive, it's based on how you interact with money. Security/Opportunity is how you see or perceive money. Monk/Adoration is how your brain processes money, and Spender/Hoarder is how you implement money into your life. Each aspect is telling of how your brain thinks, and what how your money habits form.
A pair shows two opposite ends of a spectrum (similar to how introverts and extroverts are two opposite ways of interaction with people and their surroundings). Often when we do these kinds of assessments we think of things in extremes (I’m either fully extrovert OR introvert). However, instead of viewing these pairs as if you are strictly one way or another, I want you to think of it more fluidly. Think of it as you tend to lean one way in most situations, but you may also have traits of another category.
For example, I am almost exactly half introvert and half extrovert. Because of this, I tend to be very extroverted around close people like my best friends and family, but very closed off towards people I don't know well. I need a mix of both alone time, and interactions with actual human beings face to face. Think of your results in this way, you may have tendencies of both categories, but usually one dominates the other (if not that's okay!).
The higher your score, the more likely you are to behave and think in this way. In the example of the results page above, this person is mostly avoidant. Most of the time they would rather be oblivious to their finances than look at them with a fine toothed comb. They don’t check their bank statements, and spend without knowing how much they have available. Sometimes, they may have obsessive tendencies, such as when they are making a big decision. At this time, they are more likely to look over their finances closely in order to make a good decision. But in general, they tend to be avoidant most of the time.
Knowing this, you can now find your patterns, and change what you don't like, as well as amplify your strengths. Each type has its strengths and weaknesses, but knowing this can help you grow stronger and improve your financial wellness.
Another thing to note is this is just a snapshot in time. Over time, your beliefs may change, and you may develop new habits. It’s a good idea to take this occasionally to see where your money relationship is at.