What is Beyond the Budget?
Beyond the Budget helps you learn how to handle your money on a daily basis, because let's be real, no one teaches you this! We will give you step by step guides to help you manage your finances, break bad financial habits, and improve your relationship with money.
What is a financial/money coach?
A financial coach or money coach is someone who helps others with their finances. It's different from a financial advisor because advisors help you invest and grow your money, while a coach helps you get the surplus of money you need to invest the money first place. Coaches teach people how to manage their money on a day to day basis and give tools they can use for the rest of their lives. It usually entails budgeting, and spending habits.
How can you help me?
I have a special 2 hour session called the Spark Meetup for Couples. This session gives you and your spouse a custom plan for your money. You will learn things no one has taught you before about finances! You're going to learn some psychology tricks to help you break bad habits, as well as some technical things like how to save money and budget (I promise it's more fun than it sounds!). It will help you to become less stressed about finances, and come closer to your dreams! I also have a free blog if you're looking for less comprehensive help.
I want to change my life financially. Where do I start?
One of the first steps is educating yourself. I help you in the Spark Meetup for Couples, but I also have a free blog! I have a post called 5 Simple Things You Can Do to Improve Your Finances Today, that will help you to get stated!
I've already tried budgeting and it didn't work. How will this be different?
It's not only about budgeting, it's also about finding direction for your money. The way we budget is much more inclusive to your lifestyle than the typical budget. It's about making a plan, setting goals, planning for the future, finding core habits, and changing those habits. We make sure to account for your future, but also ensure you are happy in your now. We don't believe in penny pinching (unless that's already your jam!).
I can't afford to pay for you, but I need help. What should I do?
You don't have to pay for anything if you find all the help you need through the blog. I provide a lot of free help and resources to help you out! However, if you feel like that's not enough and you want more, I have created some courses you may find useful. There, I can give you more individualized attention, give you a more focused direction, and walk you through things one step at a time!
I can't even pay my bills, why pay you?
I know what it feels like to have this dilemma. You know it will help you, but you don't feel like you have the money. However, I can assure you it is an investment you will not regret! What you're struggling with right now, the tension with your spouse, the feeling of being trapped, the pressure of providing for yourself now but also in the future, all of it will improve. Your dreams and goals will be greatly accelerated, and you'll have tools you can use for the rest of your life!
Let me tell you a personal story. A couple years ago I had back pain so debilitating, I was nearly bedridden and had a hard time functioning day to day. I was desperate to have any relief and went to countless doctors. None of them could find a solution, it was so frustrating! After several months, I was finally recommended to a chiropractor. After my first appointment, the world changed. I felt like new!
However, in order to stay healthy, I had to have regular check up appointments. As a broke newlywed, it was a crushing feeling. I knew it would cost money I didn't have, but I also knew it was my solution. Despite feeling like we couldn't afford it, my husband and I decided to continue making appointments. Somehow we were able to afford it. You'd be surprised what happens when you decide to prioritize something! I still go to this day, and I have never regretted this investment. I feel so much better physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is most definitely worth the cost.
Do you sell or give advice for investments, 401k's, or insurance?
The primary goal is to help you further your goals by guiding your daily money management through budgeting, goals, and habit changes. I don't sell any of these products or get any compensation from third parties because I want to put you first! You are the priority, not me getting a buck for selling you something!
Where can I find your Privacy Policy?
Your privacy is of upmost importance to us! Click here to view the Privacy Policy.