Net worth statements are great for multiple reasons. One of the biggest benefits to filling one of these puppies out is you can know where you are at financially, and stay organized by keeping all your information in one place.
But first, what is a Net Worth Statement?
A Net Worth Statement is basically going to show you how much you own verses how much you owe. It’s going to take things like your car, your cash, and the money in your bank and show you how big that number is verses things like credit card debt, and student loans.
Net Worth Statements are great for:
Seeing where you are at financially.
Setting goals.
Deciding which debts to tackle first (which you can also use this post to help decide).
Seeing your information in one place.
Getting on the same page as your spouse.
Feeling better about you money because you know where it is.
Putting things in perspective.
Free template!
To make things easier, I have created a spreadsheet for you to use that requires 0 math! It makes things super simple, and has everything set up for you. I have one for combined couples finances, and one for individuals as well:
For couples:…
For individuals:…
How to fill it out:
And, because I love you guys, I have set up a full video explaining how to fill this out. I’ll walk you through step by step, and give you some pro tips on how to use this spreadsheet!
Questions anyone?
Have any questions or comments? Shoot one down below or give me an email and let me know what’s on your mind! I always love hearing from you! 🙂